Oft-divided groups tour ranch along the Wyoming-Colorado border
FFA president joins Trout Unlimited and other partners to urge passage of infrastructure funding to ensure water security in the West By Laura Ziemer and Pat O'Toole It’s not every day that you see municipal, agricultural, and conservation interests coming together around big, substantive issues. Last month, these diverse interests jointly urged Congress to include resources for water, forestry and ecosystem…
Take action: A chance in Congress to help our rivers, fish, and economy
TU is supporting the Moving Forward Act, which addresses significant water management challenges facing the West
The Moving Forward Act would address impacts of drought on Western rivers and coldwater fisheries The future of the West is tied to its water. Its rivers—the Colorado, the Columbia, the Platte, the Willamette, the Deschutes, the Klamath, and many others—are the lifeblood for the people, environment, and economies in their watersheds. They irrigate ranch…