Minnesota’s 2020 Driftless Area restoration overview
Despite challenges posed by the pandemic 2020 was a busy year for Trout Unlimited Driftless Area Restoration Effort in Minnesota. TU and its partners collaborated on a number of habitat restoration projects in the state. Here's a rundown of the projects. Rice Creek (Fillmore County) – Minnesota DNR stabilized eroded stream banks totaling 900 feet. Sloped and…
New England Newsletter — Highlights of 2020
You don’t need us to tell you that 2020 was a challenging year. The pandemic created lots of hardships for TU’s field staff in New England, including the postponement of many projects. Always flexible, the New England team did a great job reacting to the difficult situation. For example, when fieldwork days took place, they were modified to ensure all participants adhered to COVID-related safety measures. Staffers…
How to turn ‘movers’ into ‘eaters’ when streamer fishing
A few days ago a friend was telling me about a fishing trip when he used a familiar phrase. “We moved quite a few fish,” he said of the float trip on a Pennsylvania stream known for its big brown trout. That sentence, one I’ve uttered plenty myself over the years, is basically a euphemism…
For crayfish flies, keep it simple
I have a friend who is an extremely talented fly tier. His creations are intricate and gorgeous. And they would certainly catch fish, too, if he ever actually fished with them. But he doesn’t. Because, you know, who wants to risk losing a fly that it took an hour to tie? While creating fancy flies can…
Newsletter features 2020 highlights for Great Lakes team
We all know that 2020 was far from a normal year. Despite the challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, Trout Unlimited’s Great Lakes team soldiered on. The team, which continues to grow, was able to accomplish many key projects in the field as well as to continue advocacy efforts. Below are a few of the highlights from 2020, as well as a look ahead…
Federal budget includes boost for Delaware basin
Trout Unlimited’s efforts in the Delaware River Basin will get a boost as a result of the federal 2021 budget. The Delaware River Basin Restoration Program (DRBRP) received $10 million in funding as part of the fiscal year 2021 Appropriations bill recently approved by Congress and signed by President Trump. The sum is a modest increase from the $9.7 million budgeted last fiscal year. The…
TU’s new cutthroat trout face coverings now available
This past summer Trout Unlimited offered a limited run of special, trout-printed face coverings. The brook, rainbow and brown trout face gaiters were a huge hit. We all know what comes after a blockbuster: a sequel. Many asked for a cutthroat trout version of our face coverings, and that's exactly what we've delivered. But, as the…