
Mark Taylor

  • No Room for Mistakes on New York’s Upper Delaware River

    National Park Service photo. By Chris Wood and Jeff Skelding It could have been far worse. The Up per Delaware River dodged a bullet last week when heavy rains and flooding washed out a railroad culvert, and a 63-car train carrying an assortment of waste materials, some of it toxic, derailed near Deposit, N.Y. Two…

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: Browned out

    By Mark Taylor The river was brown. Coffee-with-heavy-cream brown. It's-been-raining-for-days brown. You-don’t-have-a-chance-in-hell brown. “Top off the raft and get the stuff down to the shore while I go drop off the truck,” I told my fishing partner for the day, Brett Prettyman. “I’ll probably be back before you’re done.” So, if conditions were more appropriate…

  • Tour TU’s Driftless projects on Oct. 16

    Save the Date: Tuesday, October 16, for the 2018 Driftless Projects Tour. We'll spend a lovely autumn day on a comfortable charter bus touring a major multiyear Driftless Watershed project and a smaller stream with some unique characteristics. If you've fished the last day of trout season October 15 (except in Iowa), you can ease…