
Mark Taylor

  • New brook trout life for Virginia’s Passage Creek

    By Mark Taylor NEW MARKET, Va. — When it comes to restoring populations of trout and salmon, Trout Unlimited has a pretty simple philosophy: Take care of the habitat and the fish will take care of themselves. Our history is full of success stories of imperiled fish populations rebounding when provided with a habitat nudge,…

  • Why Clean Water Matters: Rick Nyles

    By Rick Nyles I’m fortunate to live in Pennsylvania, second only to Alaska in miles of running water. For a trout angler and guide such as myself, my home state provides me a chance to fish my favorite waters and search for new destinations. Yet while thousands of Pennsylvania’s streams support healthy populations of wild…

  • Commission moves to formalize fracking prohibition in Delaware River basin

    By Keith Curley The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) has begun a rulemaking process to protect one of our most valuable fisheries from the impacts of hydraulic fracturing, formalizing a de facto moratorium in place since 2010. Across the country, Trout Unlimited advocates for responsible energy development, which involves protecting the highest quality habitats and…

  • Comment now on Great Lakes Asian carp proposal

    By Taylor Ridderbusch On Monday, Aug. 7, the US Army Corps of Engineers released the draft Brandon Road Feasibility Study, which assess options for preventing Asian carp from reaching the Great Lakes. The report was originally set to be released on Feb. 28, 2017, but was delayed by Trump Administration officials. Thanks to hard work…

  • Maryland Chapter restores part of the Jones Falls

    Photos courtesty of Bluewater Baltimore By Don Haynes and Jim Gracie Over the past five years, Maryland Trout Unlimited has been the mover behind restoration of a long stretch of the Jones Falls in area bordering Baltimore County and Baltimore City. After a frustrating process, the project was finished in fall, 2015. A steam survey…