Video spotlight: Joe Humphreys – Nymphing Techniques
Winter is waning, and soon we'll be in the heart of dry fly season. Some of us are already seeing some good early-spring hatches. Still, for many of us, nymphing will still be our primary fishing technique for a while yet. Video of Joe Humphreys | Nymphing TechniquesFew are better at that game -- or…
Short casts: Opening day, beer, growlers and conservation funding
Major League Baseball’s first pitches will start flying in less than a week. In generations past, another spring opener generated even more excitement among certain folks. The annual trout season opener was a major event. Trout openers have gradually faded away. Some states still have them -- such as Missouri, pictured above -- but many…
Video spotlight: Gold Fever
Late one night some years back, when our twins were babies and we didn’t sleep much, my wife and I stumbled across a quirky TV show called “Gold Fever” on Outdoor Channel. What was a gold prospecting show doing on a channel that mostly featured fishing and hunting shows? Well, it turns out the guy…
Voices from the River: The ONE bug
By Kirk Deeter I love off-beat, impossible-to-answer questions like these: What fly pattern do you think has caught the most fish in the history of the world? What do you think is the most common fly in the boxes of anglers throughout the world? Of course, I always get the “If you had ONE fly…”…
TU volunteers, staffers speak up for Chesapeake Bay funding
Raymond Phares (left) of Circleville, W.Va., traveled to Washington DC in late March to meet with Congressional offices in support of funding for the Chesapeake Bay Program. He was accompanied by Trout Unlimited's Dustin Wichterman, who oversee's TU's restoration efforts in the up per Potomac watershed. By Mark Taylor Trout Unlimited staffers and volunteers converged…
Voices from the River: Seeing is Believing
There is a 3-pound bass and two 18-inch trout holding under this forked snag. Seeing them is one thing. Catching one is another. By Mark Taylor I got back to my home office from lunch today to find that my copy of TU’s new book, “Trout Tips,” had arrived. This had been a working lunch,…
Big year for New England culvert team
By Colin Lawson The New England Culvert Program had a very successful 2016 field season completing over 10 restoration projects across Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Our team of three full-time and eight seasonal staff reconnected more than 17 miles of u pstream brook trout habitat, assessed over 1,800 road stream crossings for AOP and…