New National Monument in Maine’s North Woods will protect priceless coldwater habitat
TU is lauding President Obama's designation of the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument in Maine as a permanent protection for priceless native fish habitat. The monument area and the adjacent State of Maine-owned Baxter State Park combine to form a world-class trout resource conservation area. Lying within the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument…
The Penobscot is open!
By Steve Moyer River restoration proponents are celebrating the completion of the construction phase of the Penobscot River Restoration Project, one of the largest, most innovative river restoration projects in history. In an unprecedented collaboration, the Penobscot Indian Nation, seven conservation groups including Trout Unlimited, hydropower companies PPL Corporation and Black Bear Hydro, LLC, and…
Searching for salter brook trout in Maine
https://login.tu.org/sites/default/files/blog/20160519_145145_resized_7%5B7%5D.jpg Salter brook trout tend to be heavy for their length. (Jeff Reardon photo.) By Jeff Reardon I recently returned from five days in eastern Maine with a group of volunteers from TU, Maine Audubon and the Sea Run Brook Trout Coalition (SRBTC), along with staff from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife…
TU touts effective partnerships at National Collaborative Restoration Workshop
Large wood additions on the East Fork of the Greenbrier River in West Virginia provide important habitat for brook trout -- and a fishing location for a young angler. By Gary Berti In West Virginia, partnerships are critical as Trout Unlimited works on habitat restoration programs in the Potomac and Greenbrier River watersheds. Recently, because…
Howland Dam bypass flowing, improving fish passage Maine’s Penobscot system
Water began flowing through the Howland Dam bypass on Sept. 28 The massive, ambitious Penobscot River restoration effort reached another important milestone on Sept. 28, as the first trickles of the Piscataquis River were diverted into the new Howland Dam bypass. Initial testing of the system is continuing, with the ultimate goal to ensure the…
Finding trout as Salmon Kill restoration gets under way
Restoration construction efforts on this section of the Salmon Kill were almost complete when this picture was taken. Trout stream restoration projects can make a big immediate visual impact, but the real payoff comes over time. Still, it was a nice surprise when crews doing some stream sampling work at a restoration site on Connecticut's…
New culvert on Pa.'s Little Lyman Run opens up nearly 8 stream miles
By Amy Wolfe In terms of fish passage, a certain culvert on Pennsylvania’s Little Lyman Run in Potter County was about a bad as it gets. Only 1.9 percent of predicted flows would allow adult brook trout to make it through the culvert on the small tributary to Cross Fork Creek, according to…