Your next secret spot might be right under your nose
“He was right!” My friend Sam Dean exclaimed this as the 10-inch wild rainbow jumped around the small pool trying to throw Sam’s size 16 Copper John nymph, which it had mistaken for actual food. “He” was the guy who had told me a while back that a certain non-trout-looking creek was actually quite trout-y.…
New York’s “Barrier Busters” on a roll
On a recent early fall day, Tracy Brown and Jesse Vadala connected to reflect on what had been an extremely busy several months for them and the rest of TU’s Northeast Coldwater Habitat Program. “It can be a bit of a slog,” Brown said of TU’s field season, which generally wraps up in October for…
Map questing: How to find trout water on public lands
It’s nice for anglers to know that we have access to literally millions of miles of trout streams and countless acres of trout lakes and ponds on public lands in the United States. But just how do we pinpoint those fishing spots? Fortunately, we have many options to help us, including those old-fashioned paper maps,…
Stream surveyors work now for the future
The plan, as so many good ones do, started over a beer.
The plan, as so many good ones do, started over a beer. Well, several beers. “We’re going to be at Hunting Creek next Wednesday with the EPA,” my friend Jason Hill said, a couple hours into another friend’s birthday bash at the Starr Hill Pilot Brewery in Roanoke, Va. “You should come.” “Absolutely,” I said,…
To kill bass (or not)
The thrill of the catch
The thrill of the catch. Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle…splash! As I reared back and the fishing rod bent in a tight arc, I thought, “This is a good start!” And it got better. Seven casts. Seven fish. And 30 minutes of the best smallmouth bass fishing I’d ever experienced. Five of the seven bass were fat…
TU projects fare well in Northeast flooding
When recent heavy rains pummeled the Northeast, the immediate priority was safety for the region’s residents. Now that deadly flood waters have receded, New Englanders are grappling with both the emotional scars of the devastation to lives and property and assessing the damage and moving forward toward recovery. Trout Unlimited seasonal stream technician Mo Ouren…
Dams out: Maine’s Frost Gully Brook runs free again
In Freeport, Maine the rescue mission was launched with a single word. “Trout!” The operation was anticipated. Construction crews had just an hour prior knocked down a small dam on a tiny stream cutting through Freeport, Maine. As water rushed through the newly formed breach — with a pump aiding the pond-draining effort — the…