
Peter Jonas

  • Hit the “Easy Button” for Driftless caddis

    May and June are great months for fishing caddis patterns in the driftless.  This year, I noticed many fish receptive to caddis patterns stationed in shallow, fast water in broad daylight. Here are a few suggestions that might help you catch more trout on caddis patterns.  I am not a big fan of floating caddis…

  • Fishing

    Tips for fishing the Driftless in late winter

    Winter and early spring fishing can be remarkably good in the Driftless Area. However, flexibility is the name of the game in low temperatures.    Generally, I favor the classic slow and deep approach. If I see no visible rises, I start out indicator fishing with a scud or a caddis on point and a Brassie…

  • Fishing

    Are my secret streams really my secret to keep?

    Anglers have a complicated relationship with secrecy.

    Anglers have a complicated relationship with secrecy. We hope a secret fly or lure, or bait will give us an edge. We get a tingly feeling when a friend entrusts us with knowledge of a secret spot.  But secrets also bring their own stresses and disappointments. There is nothing quite like the endorphin rush you…