Relentless optimism, relentlessly applied: crib notes from Chris Wood
Anyone who keeps abreast of the Trout Unlimited blog knows that Chris Wood, TU’s chief executive officer and president, has some really good stories and narrative chops. TU staff who support TU’s habitat, streamflow, and fish passage work in the West got to hear some of those stories on Jan. 28 during Chris’s keynote remarks…
TU testifies in Congress in support of salmon strongholds bill
Trout Unlimited has many on staff and among its volunteer-members who are expert in policy issues related to trout and salmon conservation. Matt Clifford, attorney for TU’s California Water Project, is one. Clifford testified today at a hearing held by the Water, Oceans and Wildlife Subcommittee of the House Natural resources Committee, in support of…
Fishy people stories
We all know that some people have a transcendental ability to find and catch fish. This ability typically derives from an unteachable, instinctive feel for the water and how its piscine residents move and feed in it and is honed by years of dedication to the craft. These people are often referred to as “fishy.”…
TU launches new archive for California coastal steelhead data
Trout Unlimited works with a wide variety of partners in California to conserve, protect and restore trout and salmon populations and their habitats. For many years, one of our primary partners in our effort to recover native Coho salmon and steelhead in coastal watersheds was the Center for Ecosystem Management and Restoration (CEMAR). CEMAR closed…
Stripers and steelhead
On the California coast between San Francisco and Santa Barbara, a number of streams still have runs of wild steelhead. On a handful of these mostly small drainages, you might get tight to a slabby adult during the winter steelhead season. And on perhaps three of these streams, you might actually be likely to get…
Fishing with Jedis
The thing about fishing with true Jedi Masters is that, (a) you never know when they’re watching, and, (b) because of (a), you can get tight and make the kind of technical errors that will elicit commentary, even from the most laconic of partners who would otherwise prefer to spare you the humiliation. So it…
The Salmon Superhighway
On the north coast of Oregon, six major river systems spanning 940 square miles that drain into Tillamook and Nestucca bays provide a historic opportunity for science, collaboration between landowners, resource agencies and other stakeholders, and joint efforts of volunteers and professionals to come together to reconnect productive habitat for six species of anadromous (ocean-going)…