Reconciliation for fish and people in California’s Central Valley
Dr. Rene Henery leads a small team of Trout Unlimited program staff who work on improving and restoring habitat, passage and flows for imperiled Central Valley salmon and steelhead. This effort has taken promising strides over the past several years toward a collaborative, adaptively-managed approach to rebuilding wild runs of native fish and the fisheries…
New water rights guide helps California landowners, streams
There are many things rural California landowners can do to leave more water in streams for fish and wildlife. Most involve changes to water use practices that will also increase the security of the landowner’s water supply. So why don’t more landowners do this? One answer is California’s complex system of water rights. It can be difficult to…
Youth key to steelhead restoration in Pennington Creek
Native south-central California coastal steelhead. Photo: Capelli/NOAA Fisheries. Steelhead, the sea-run version of rainbow trout, have one of the most diverse life histories of any fish species. On the West Coast, this life history diversity has enabled steelhead to colonize and persist in coastal drainages in a region—the south-central coast of California—with highly variable precipitation,…
New hope for coho in San Geronimo Creek
San Geronimo Creek, which provides important spawning and rearing habitat for endangered coho salmon in Marin County, Calif., flows parallel to the road in the center of this photo on the far side of the former golf course, up against the forested hillside. Imperiled coho salmon benefit from major land acquisition and open space conservation…
One step closer to restoring the Klamath River
Thursday, May 9, delivered more good news on the Klamath River restoration front. PacifiCorp, the utility that owns the four old hydropower dams slated for removal under the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (KHSA), announced it has entered into a site access agreement with Kiewit Infrastructure West Company “to allow the firm to conduct initial surveying…
Oregon denies clean water certification for Jordan Cove LNG project
The Oregon coast near the proposed site of the Jordan Cove LNG export terminal. Photo: Gary Vonderohe By Kyle Smith Last week, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) denied the Clean Water Act Section 401 application for the Jordan Cove Liquid Natural Gas Project and the associated Pacific Connector Pipeline (collectively “Jordan Cove Project”).…
The cruelest month
Biggest fish of the day, general trout season opener, Los Padres Reservoir, April 2019. April is the cruellest [sic] month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. Thus begins The Waste Land, T.S. Elliot’s most famous work and the defining poem of the Modernist era…