One step closer to restoring the Klamath River
Thursday, May 9, delivered more good news on the Klamath River restoration front. PacifiCorp, the utility that owns the four old hydropower dams slated for removal under the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (KHSA), announced it has entered into a site access agreement with Kiewit Infrastructure West Company “to allow the firm to conduct initial surveying…
Oregon denies clean water certification for Jordan Cove LNG project
The Oregon coast near the proposed site of the Jordan Cove LNG export terminal. Photo: Gary Vonderohe By Kyle Smith Last week, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) denied the Clean Water Act Section 401 application for the Jordan Cove Liquid Natural Gas Project and the associated Pacific Connector Pipeline (collectively “Jordan Cove Project”).…
The cruelest month
Biggest fish of the day, general trout season opener, Los Padres Reservoir, April 2019. April is the cruellest [sic] month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. Thus begins The Waste Land, T.S. Elliot’s most famous work and the defining poem of the Modernist era…
New land deal will benefit Carmel River steelhead
Fishing the Carmel River lagoon during steelhead season. In his 1945 novel Cannery Row, John Steinbeck called the Carmel River, on California’s central coast, “a lovely little river… [with] pools where trout live … a place for fishermen to wander in.” In those days the Carmel was a well-known fishery and hosted a robust run…
SRF honors TU California staff, grassroots leader
TU's Anna Halligan and Mary Ann King accepting the 2019 Nat Bingham Memorial Restorationist of the Year Award from the Salmonid Restoration Federation. On April 26, the Salmonid Restoration Federation (SRF) presented major awards to two Trout Unlimited staff and one of our grassroots leaders at the SRF annual awards dinner. Anna Halligan, director of…
Voices from the River: Return to Evolution Lake
by Toner Mitchell Editor's Note: This post was first published on July 23, 2018, on the TU blog. Gordon Becker was in love with nature for as long as anyone can remember. He climbed it, hiked it, fished it, and boated it. After earning a master's degree in fisheries biology, he built a career out…
TU weighs in on new California fishing regulations
As part of its statewide Trout Management Plan, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is proposing to simplify angling regulations for all inland waters “to make them easier to understand, and to better align regulations with management objectives on each water.” CDFW is taking public comment on this effort, and on proposed changes…