Voices from the River: Sometime streams
Southern steelhead country. My son and I wandered into the land of the southern steelhead yesterday. Cactus sprouted like gargoyles from the sandstone outcroppings that lined the creek up which we hiked. This winter has been profligate all across California and yet another massive cumulonimbus cloud reared up over the peaks above us. Then it…
Next steps for restoration of the Eel and Klamath Rivers
The Klamath River is the third most productive watershed for salmon and steelhead on the West Coast. The Klamath and Eel Rivers are legendary for their salmon and steelhead runs. But these famous fisheries have been hard hit by dams, diversions, and in recent years extreme drought. TU is at the forefront of efforts to…
Voices from the River: Gifts
Fishing is, at its heart, a solitary exercise. Just you and a rod and your line a simple connection to a watery world. Don’t get me wrong. Fishing is a great activity to do with family and friends. Some of my best memories are of fishing for snook on the Gulf Coast of Florida with…
Voices from the River: Now I begin
The California coastal stream where the author tried to begin again. By Sam DavidsonThe photos didn’t do justice to the fish. I had been waiting patiently for word from the Steelhead Whisperer, who had spent most of the day on his favorite winter water on the central California coast. But for hours all I heard…
New bill helps NW California salmon, steelhead, public lands
Guide Leslie Ajari and her father, Bruce, on the Trinity River. The northwest corner of California is famous for a variety of reasons. Its towering redwoods—among the largest living things on Earth, inspire awe and were the “green gold” that drove a century of logging activity to support the build-out of the San Francisco Bay…
Voices from the River: Counting coho in Russian River floodplains
By Charlie Schneider Note: California’s Russian River is famous among anglers for its steelhead fishery, but in recent years this watershed has been the focus of an intensive effort to recover coho salmon, now one of the rarest native fishes in California. TU grassroots and programs such as the Coastal Streamflow Stewardship Project have been…
Three things Congress should do before the end of the year
The Farm Bill provides support for projects that improve water conservation and efficiency for farmers and ranchers. BJ Burns and his daughter, pictured here, have been working for several years with Trout Unlimited to secure a reliable dry season water supply for their farm and help steelhead on California's Pescadero Creek. By Kate Miller With…