New bill helps NW California salmon, steelhead, public lands
Guide Leslie Ajari and her father, Bruce, on the Trinity River. The northwest corner of California is famous for a variety of reasons. Its towering redwoods—among the largest living things on Earth, inspire awe and were the “green gold” that drove a century of logging activity to support the build-out of the San Francisco Bay…
Voices from the River: Counting coho in Russian River floodplains
By Charlie Schneider Note: California’s Russian River is famous among anglers for its steelhead fishery, but in recent years this watershed has been the focus of an intensive effort to recover coho salmon, now one of the rarest native fishes in California. TU grassroots and programs such as the Coastal Streamflow Stewardship Project have been…
Three things Congress should do before the end of the year
The Farm Bill provides support for projects that improve water conservation and efficiency for farmers and ranchers. BJ Burns and his daughter, pictured here, have been working for several years with Trout Unlimited to secure a reliable dry season water supply for their farm and help steelhead on California's Pescadero Creek. By Kate Miller With…
Dams and DIDSON: restoring California’s Eel River
The salmon and steelhead fisheries of California's Eel River were once bountiful -- and could be again. California’s Eel River—the state’s third largest watershed—is legendary among anglers for its wild steelhead and salmon fisheries. Bu t like so many coastal watersheds north of San Francisco, the Eel has been hard hit over the past century…
Voices from the River: Dry line dedication
Promising water for dry line steelheading. Note: Nearly three-quarters of all wild steelhead populations in their native range along the West Coast and in Idaho are threatened (TU's CEO, Chris Wood, just penned this post on the recent closure of the winter steelhead season in Idaho due to low returns). TU and Wild Steelheaders United…
Conserving freshwater biodiversity in California
A native Chinook salmon from California's Central Valley. Conservation of freshwater biodiversity faces major challenges. The fragmented nature of freshwater habitats often results in species populations being highly vulnerable to extirpation. Moreover, areas managed for resource conservation typically reflect jurisdictional or landscape boundaries that have little meaning for aquatic species. Now, a team of scientists…
Voices from the River: Many hats
Jessica Strickland and her daughter Vida, project managing in the Sequoia National Forest backcountry. By Jessica Strickland Working with Trout Unlimited really is just NOT boring. What we do as field staff is so diverse that I have become a woman of many hats. A recent weekend was a great example of how what we…