
Sam Davidson

  • Not too hot, not too cold

    By Nick Chambers The greater Juneau area is home to several rivers that host wild steelhead runs. From a science perspective, Auke Creek is perhaps the most important of these, as scientists at the Auke Bay Marine Station have been operating a weir here for many years, whi ch has allowed them to census returning…

  • Fast Times in Government Affairs

    TU's Government Affairs staff with the 2018 TU-Costa Five Rivers Odyssey team and program coordinator Andrew Loffredo, working the Halls of Congress recently. The last couple of weeks have been wild and wooly around Washington, D.C., as major packages of legislation worked their way through congressional conference committees prior to the government’s fiscal year coming…

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: Mind-fishing

    The stuff of dreams, Trinity River. By Sam Davidson The first hints of autumn always seem to bring things into sharper relief. When you have spent almost no time lately with a rod in hand, not taking advantage of the last wet-wadable days of the year, that clarity can be unwelcome. Thank goodness for social…

  • The fate of stranded post-spawn adult steelhead

    Editor's note: The following first appeared on the Wild Steelheaders United blog. By John McMillan One significant way in which steelhead differ from salmon is that O. mykiss have the ability to survive spawning and try to make the journey again. This behavior is referred to as repeat spawning. Repeat spawner rates are highly variable…