Late summer highlights in CA: 2017 Casting Call, salmon habitat partnership
TU's VP for Western Conservation, Rob Masonis, and other signers of the new Central Valley Salmon Habitat Partnership flank California Secretary for Natural Resources John Laird at the signing ceremony on August 29, 2017. By Sam Davidson During the hottest and driest time of year here in California, salmon and steelhead recently got some welcome…
Yuba River relicensing: TU comments
Yuba River Chinook salmon. Photo: Jacob Katz On August 25, a coalition of conservation and recreational groups, including Trout Unlimited, submitted formal comments on proposed requi rements for relicensing dam and diversion operations on the Yuba River, one of California’s most important—and degraded—river systems for salmon and steelhead. Coupled with two other major developments in…
Voices from the River: Fishing the Stan with Mom
By Sam Davidson Nowadays there is no age limit, apparently, for quarterbacks. Or for fly fishing. Last weekend, my eighty-year-old mother joined legends such as Lefty Kreh and Frank Moore in providing more proof of the latter, as she waded up and down the banks of t he South and Clark forks of the Stanislaus…
California adopts new multi-benefit flood plan, will help salmon and steelhead
It is no secret that good conservation outcomes, as a rule, don't happen overnight. Today’s action by California’s Central Valley Flood Protection Board to adopt a new plan for reducing flood risks and restoring ecosystem health is a huge step forward for salmon and steelhead conservation tha t has been years in the making. The…
Voices from the river: Eddies
Moments before the fateful spill, East Carson River. By Sam Davidson The defining moment of a recent road trip to fish some of the fabled streams along the east side of the Sierra came mere seconds after I snapped a photo o f TMP getting a good drift through a sweet reach of the East…
Voices from the river: Fishing the improbable
The Nacimiento River at peak winter flow, central California. By Sam Davidson A recent telephone call with the Steelhead Whisperer got me fired up. His brother had been car-camping around the central coast, and had seen people fishing in one of the streams that swerve out of the Santa Lucia range and through the oak…
New grant will help Van Duzen River coho, steelhead
Floodplain habitat connectivity improvement project site, Lawrence Creek TU’s North Coast Coho Project has been awarded a major grant to underwrite the first year of a three-year project to restore floodplain habitat connectivity in Lawrence Creek, a tributary to Yager Creek in the Van Duzen River drainage in Humboldt County, California. The Lawrence Creek Reconnection…