The tonic of wildness
If you are active in the outdoors, it’s hard to beat living in the American West. That’s because all states west of the Great Plains have big swaths of public lands available for fishing and hunting. Except when big swaths of extraordinary wildfire shut them down. Right smack in the middle of Public Lands Month.…
TU’s Conservation Hydrology program steps in to monitor and measure California streams
One of the fundamental precepts of science is that, to understand a phenomenon or a system, it is necessary to observe change over time, the rate of change, and the influence of causal factors. In other words, to monitor and measure. Yet frequently resource managers are stretched too thin to do consistent monitoring of salmonid…
The desert browns of the Owyhee
TU is leading a coalition of sportsmen to permanently protect the Owyhee Canyonlands The thing that strikes me most about the Owyhee River is the incongruity. This amazing trout stream springs from, and flows for many miles through, a desert. Okay, most of this country is technically sagebrush steppe. But it’s dry, hot and largely…
FERC clarifies path to Klamath dam removal
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) this week approved the partial transfer of ownership of four dams on the Klamath River from the utility PacifiCorp to the Klamath River Renewal Corporation (KRRC). The purpose of this transfer is to enable the KRRC to decommission and remove these dams, beginning in 2021. FERCs decision marks a…
The slug
I hereby state for the record that I would much prefer to catch small trout, rather than larger fish. Not that size doesn’t matter, of course. So there are caveats. The first is that this predilection doesn’t apply to steelhead or salmon. The second is that it only applies on streams with a mix of…
The hex hatch
Over the weekend I spent a total of 12 hours fishing. I landed two fish to show for it. It was nonetheless supremely satisfying. And no, I wasn’t fishing for steelhead. About 100 miles north of Lake Tahoe a lovely reservoir lies resplendent, framed by ponderosa pines, Douglas fir and the southern terminus of the…
TU awarded $1.53 million for eight restoration projects in upper Klamath Basin
Last month, U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley announced $11.6 million in new funding for habitat restoration projects in the Upper Klamath Basin, of which $1.53 million was awarded to Trout Unlimited for eight projects that will improve water quality and key habitat for native fish in the tributaries to Upper Klamath Lake. This funding was provided…