Newsletter touts 2021 highlights New England
This past year, it was great for our New England staff, along with our members and partners, to get out on the streams once again to start chipping away at a backlog of projects since most work came to an abrupt halt right near the beginning of the 2020 field season due to Covid. Thankfully…
Newsletter highlights TU’s work in New York
Hello 2022! Trout Unlimited’ s conservation work has continued around the state despite the delays and challenges brought about by the COVID pandemic. We have many highlights from a productive 2021, and some exciting things on the horizon for the coming year. Click below to download the full newsletter. Tracy Brown, the restoration manager for…
Little Beaver Kill gets a restoration makeover
By Jesse Vadala When Trout Unlimited undertook a restoration project on the Little Beaver Kill in Livingston Manor, trout were to be just one of the beneficiaries. The restoration project is part of a bigger vision to reduce flooding in the Town of Livingston Manor. It is also part of TU’s longstanding efforts in…
Is your food killing your fishing?
Neonicotinoids are infiltrating rivers and streams. Are they threatening the aquatic food chain?
Is your food killing your fishing? By Shauna Stephenson On a sunny day, when the clouds drifted lazily across the sky, two life-long anglers gathered around a barbeque, cracked a couple of beers and caught up on the world as they knew it. How’s work?Good.The family?Good.How’s the fishing been?So-so. They reflected for a moment about…
PA’s Coldwater Habitat Program gets it done in ’21
Pennyslvania's Coldwater Habitat Program had another productive year in 2021, its efforts resulting in an astonishing reduction in sediment and nutrients across the state's waterways. The team has highlighted a handful of the projects in a newsletter that will be shared with the more than 14,000 TU members in the Keystone State, along with the…
A vision for the Great Lakes: healthy waters and connected communities
Trout Unlimited starts off 2022 with a new strategic direction, building on the great work that we have been doing. Under this new plan Trout Unlimited is building a foundation for the future of healthy waters and healthy fish on the strength of whole communities committed to their care and recovery across generations. Our…
These five public lands need protection now
Help TU protect fish & wildlife habitat by pushing for sensible oil and gas leasing on public lands Across the western United States, there are more than 37,000 oil and gas leases on more than 26 million acres of public lands. These same public lands are home to 68 percent of remaining native trout populations.…