National Teen Summit returns to birthplace of TU
Here at Trout Unlimited we are proud to say our organization was formed on the banks of the Au Sable River in Michigan. Locals boast (and rightly so) that the Au Sable is the best brown trout fishery east of the Mississippi. Michigan’s TU chapters are named after conservation heroes like George Griffith, Art Neumann,…
Help Headwaters match $10,000 to fund the future of conservation
Student volunteers in the Rogue River Home Waters Initiative youth outreach program. This holiday season, we’ve been thinking a lot about what we are thankful for over here at the Headwaters Youth Program: Thankful for our colleagues at TU that fight so hard to keep our waterways healthy and accessible; Thankful for our teen leaders that bring their…
STREAM Kids family event, a model program
Students learn about the hidden, underwater world of macroinvertebrates during TU's Annual Meeting with Headwaters Youth Program Coordinator, Tara Granke. Each year since 2016, Trout Unlimited offers a family-friendly outdoor event at our Annual Meeting. It’s a nice change of scenery from the all-indoor conference center presentations. Don’t get me wrong, I love the hospitality…
TU welcomes hundreds of new teen members
Teen leaders at the 2019 TU Teen Summit in Montana. Each year TU welcomes 300 new TU Teen members through our twenty-four regional Conservation and Fly Fishing Summer Camps & Academies. These budding teen members are usually learning about Trout Unlimited for the first time at one of these camps, entering camp as an enthusiastic angler and leaving as an inspired…
Girls learn about science and angling in Pennsylvania’s growing STREAM Girls program
Girl Scouts in Pennsylvania identify macroinvertebrates to determine water quality of a community stream. by Tara Granke The term “science lesson” may evoke visions of students running experiments with beakers, microscopes, and a professor in a lab coat. No longer is that the case. TU’s Headwaters Youth Program is all about intertwining informal lessons in STEM…
Hats off to educators across TU
I recently sat under a tent at the Western North Carolina Fly Expo and watched four teenagers speak to an audience of anglers about their experience as leaders in Trout Unlimited. Articulate, professional and a little nervous, they told the story of how it all started at Trout Camp. “Rivercourse changed my life” every one…
Time to take the kids outside!
With spring in full swing it’s time to get outside. All over the country, small fingerling trout and salmon smolts are leaving classrooms in the hands of their student caretakers and heading to local rivers and streams via TU's Trout in the Classroom and Salmon in the Classroom programs. Now is the time for other…