
Trout Unlimited Staff

  • Photo of the Week

    Photo of the week – taking flight

    Photo by FlyLords for Trout Unlimited Our field work season is just about to take off just like this drone that's headed up over rivers in the Great Lakes region to monitor coldwater refugia for trout.   Using a drone outfitted with thermal imaging technology allows TU to look for groundwater influences. Knowing where cold…

  • Fishing

    TROUT Tips – wind

    Casting in the wind is many anglers’ nemesis, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Practice in the wind with these video tips, and you’re sure to have a better day on the water next time it’s windy.

  • Fishing Trout Talk

    TROUT Tips – fly line color

    As you’re starting to think about your fishing season ahead, have you considered whether fly line colors matter or not? Well, TU’s Kirk Deeter walks us through pros and cons of different fly line colors in this week’s video tip. Watch now to learn more.

  • Fishing Trout Talk

    TROUT Tips – throw bag

    Build muscle memory to improve casting accuracy with this simple tip from TU’s Kirk Deeter. Don’t worry, if you don’t have a throw bag, try a rolled-up newspaper, or a bag stuffed with a few clothes. Give it a try and let us know if it helps your accuracy.

  • Fishing Trout Talk

    TROUT Tips – the haul

    Kirk Deeter teaches us about the “haul” part of our cast. What is it? Why do we need it? How do we apply it? Watch this short video and then go out to practice before trout season hits. Your casting is sure to thank you.