
Walt Gasson

  • Community

    Trout Buddy Driftless Guides

    Editor’s Note: The Driftless Area of the upper Midwest is an American treasure and a Trout Unlimited priority. It’s also a fly angler’s dream. This week, we begin our series on great Trout Unlimited Business members with a look at this conservation success story and destination fishery through the eyes of a great guide, Mike…

  • Community

    Fishing Questa with Chris Michael from Rio Grande del Norte Outfitters

    There are plenty of people who can guide you to fish near Questa, NM but I'm calling out one in particular: Chris Michael from Rio Grande del Norte Outfitters in Questa.

    Remember these words: Questa, N.M. You heard it first here. Well, maybe not. If you saw the gorgeous photo essay by my friends Josh Duplechian and Toner Mitchell in the winter issue of TROUT magazine, maybe you heard it first there. Or maybe you saw the film “Querencia” — perhaps the most beautiful film Josh…

  • Community Fishing Gear reviews TU Business

    Douglas Outdoors SKY G fly rod

    I. Like. This. Rod. A Lot. Please note that Douglas does not sell direct to customers, so we gently suggest you check one of their rods out at your local TU Business member fly shop.

    I don’t do diplomacy very well, so let me be straight up, right out of the chute: I. Like. This. Rod. A Lot. Honestly, I wasn’t prepared to like it as much as I did. When our friends at Douglas Outdoors asked us if we’d review it, I did my homework. The reviews I read…

  • Community

    Fishing with Riverside Anglers in West Yellowstone, Mont.

    Alice Owsley is a hard-working guide who has learned what it takes to make a great day on the water.

    In the same boat What we do as fly anglers — what Trout Unlimited does as an organization - affects millions of others around the world. In a very real and very immediate sense, it affects our TU Business members. These members have supported us at every level of our organization from the local chapter…