Finding common ground on mining reform
In testimony before Congress, Trout Unlimited president and CEO, Chris Wood made the case for common-sense reforms to mining laws and increased funding to clean up abandoned mines. The hearing focused on several proposed bills that, if enacted, would enable the expansion and improved regulation of critical minerals development. According to the International Energy Agency,…
Why clean water protections matter now more than ever
Five key reasons why clean water protections are critical for blue lines across the United States
Clean water is essential for our health, environment, economy and way of life. Across the United States, state and federal clean water protections serve as the foundation for preserving these vital resources. Without strong protections, our rivers, streams and watersheds—and everything they support—are at risk. Here are five key reasons why clean water protections are…
Five things anglers should know about the Antiquities Act
1. The Antiquities Act authorizes the President of the United States to designate National Monuments on federal lands that contain historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, or other objects of historic, cultural or scientific interest. National monument designations can only take place on existing public lands. Landscape of Arizona's newest National Monument 2. Presidents have…
Preventing a death by a thousand cuts
Protecting Yellowstone Cutthroat from deadly threats in their historical range.
Protecting what’s left of Montana’s most iconic cutthroat population It’s incredible to catch a Yellowstone Cutthroat just outside of America’s first National Park – one that anglers flock to from all around the world to experience. But we’re catching less of them now than ever before. Yellowstone Cutthroat trout now occupy about 43% of their…
Healing the Land
For hundreds of years, the Wuda Ogwa, the site of the Bear River Massacre has undergone significant development, pollution and agricultural use. Now, the Tribe is restoring Wuda Ogwa to its organic and natural glory.
Editor’s Note: This Native American Heritage Month, Trout Unlimited is celebrating and honoring the efforts of our tribal partners who, since time immemorial, have been stewards of the lands, waters and wildlife they hold sacred. We are inspired by the stories of the Nez Perce working to recover salmon on the Snake River, of the…
How this fishing group offers inclusion, connection and healing
In Spokane, Washington, a remarkable community of anglers has taken root. "Spokane Women on the Fly," a group that celebrates the simple pleasures of flyfishing, has grown to become a source of inspiration, education and connection for its members. In September, Spokane Women on the Fly (SWOTF) hosted a women’s casting session, inviting anglers of…
Montana train derailment and bridge collapse. Sound familiar? Because it is.
In mid-June, just as high waters were still flushing the Yellowstone River, sixteen railcars derailed after a bridge collapsed. The train, carrying hazardous materials such as hot asphalt, molten sulfur, and scrap metals, is just one of several train derailments making the news this year. This time, in an iconic river with its fair share…
Zoe Bommarito
Zoe Bommarito is Trout Unlimited's National Communications Director. In her role, Zoe leads communications for policy priorities like responsible energy development, dam removal, and public…