Finalized in 2015, the Colorado Water Plan is backed by rural and urban water providers, agricultural producers, conservationists and recreationists, and those on both sides of the political aisle.
It is described by its authors as “a road map to lead to a productive economy, vibrant and sustainable cities, productive agriculture, a strong environment and a robust recreation industry. It sets the measurable objectives, goal and actions by which Colorado will measure its projected future water needs and measure its progress.” Implementation of the water plan is estimated to cost at least $50 million and likely much more per year.
Proposition DD, on the ballot in Colorado this November, is one crucial effort to fund the plan to the tune of up to $29 million per year. It will do this by taxing casino sports gambling on tap to occur if the proposition passes. Only casinos or the venders who operate sports betting would pay the tax. Proposition DD is modeled after the Colorado Lottery, which funds Colorado’s parks and open space through Great Outdoors Colorado.
Colorado is in urgent need of more funding to implement its water plan because its population is expected to double by 2060, and current water supplies cannot keep up with demand in the future. To meet our water needs while preserving Colorado water values for healthy rivers and thriving farms, an investment in our water system must be a priority. Funding the Colorado Water Plan is critical to protect water resources and preserve our Colorado way of life.
Join Colorado Trout Unlimited and vote yes on Proposition DD this November.