Bushkill Creek Costa & Sweetwater Kick Plastic Cleanup

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Trout Unlimited in Pennsylvania has partnered with Costa and SweetWater Brewing to run a special “Kick Plastic Cleanup” here on Bushkill Creek.

We will meet at 1 p.m., parking at Lafayette College at 901 Bushkill Drive to work together to clean trash out of the creek and have a great time doing it. The cleanup will run until around 4 p.m. and will be followed by a post-cleanup happy hour at the Riverside Barr & Grill where we will celebrate the work and enjoy a free glass of Kick Plastic Pilsner courtesy of SweetWater Brewing!

Volunteers should wear waders, mud boots or water shoes and bring gloves, sunscreen and bug spray. We will cleanup sections along the Karl Stirner Arts Trail and nature trail, other public access areas and our Adopt-A-Highway on Bushkill Drive in Tatamy, with cleanup areas that offer in-stream access as well as stretches of dry land for volunteers who do not own waders.

Please complete the form below to register as a volunteer and be sure to list any guests you are bringing to help us with headcount. We will follow up as the event draws near with more details and information.

Bushkill Creek Costa & SweetWater Kick Plastic Clean Up

  • Date: August 31

    Town: Easton, PA

    River: Bushkill Creek

    TU Staff Leader: Cole Baldino – cbadlino@tu.org and Rob Shane – rshane@tu.org

  • Please include the first and last name of any volunteer guests that will be joining you.
Become a Life Member! Photos of Orvis Rods

Get the new Orvis Helios rod. Hurry — special TU Limited Edition. Reel in yours today!