C. Gualdoni Bamboo Rods LLC

About Us

Making bamboo rods has been a passion of mine since 2007 when I took a class and made my first rod. Soon, I had my own equipment and started making rods on my own. Since retiring in 2021, I have been able to enjoy spending more time making fine bamboo rods for people to enjoy.

What we do

All of my rods are 4-piece, have a matching spare tip, and fit together with bamboo ferrules. Most are semi hollow.

Where we do it

The rods are made in my home and are available worldwide at https://www.cgbamboorods.com.


Email Chuck  Goldone <chuck-g@comcast.net>
Phone (720) 373-0565
Website https://www.cgbamboorods.com
Address Littleton, CO