About Us
About us
We own and operate two remote fishing adventure trips located in the middle of nowhere Alaska. Each experience will take you far away from paved roads and the typical structured lodge setting… there’s no fine paintings, no fancy carpet and few formalities. Just pristine waters, no crowds and mind-blowing numbers of fish!
What we do
Alaska Wilderness SAFARI is the ultimate fishing adventure with the best of all worlds – great (and diverse) fishing, dramatic scenery, heli-fishing, daily wildlife sightings and endless day hiking options.
Alaska Wilderness OUTPOST is a no-frills adventure with great small stream fishing (small by Alaska standards), distant mountain scenery and occasional wildlife sightings.
Where we do it
The SAFARI camp is located on the Pacific side of the Alaska Peninsula 1/3 of a mile from the salt water, which means hard-hitting, ocean-fresh salmon! Plus, you literally won’t fish near another sport fisherman your entire week. The OUTPOST camp is located in the middle of the tundra on the Bristol Bay side of the Alaska Peninsula – sightings of other fisherman are possible but very rare.
Rus Schwausch <rus@epicaaa.com> | |
Phone | 512-656-2736 |
Website | http://www.epicaaa.com |
Address |
Alaska Peninsula, Alaska |