About Us
About us
xbow Ecological Engineering, LLC is an engineering consulting firm that specializes in restoring, enhancing, and conserving river, riparian, wetland, and wildland ecosystems. Oxbow Ecological Engineering, LLC applies a comprehensive approach to assessment, analysis, design, and planning, and integrates civil engineering and ecological principles to create unique restoration and enhancement solutions.
What we do
Oxbow Ecological Engineering, LLC offers a full range of ecologically focused survey, design, & engineering services including, but not limited to topographic design surveys; feasibility studies and restoration master planning; fluvial geomorphic surveys & assessments; hydrologic analysis; HEC-RAS modeling and analysis; water diversion, water delivery, & irrigation system planning & design; wetland/pond water control structure analysis and design; river restoration & natural channel design; fish barrier hydrologic, hydraulic, and structural design; erosion control, bank stabilization, & bioengineering design; wetland, stream, & riparian restoration grading plans & habitat structure details; exhibits and preliminary design packages for permitting & funding; sealed contract document packages, including reports, drawings, technical specifications, and engineer’s opinion of probable cost (EOPC) for permitting & construction; bid ready construction contract packages; pre-bid meetings & site showings; pre-construction meetings; staking and layout; construction administration; and permit assistance & coordination services.
Where we do it
Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California, Texas
George Cathey <george@oxbow-eco-eng.com> | |
Phone | 928-266-6192 |
Website | http://www.oxbow-eco-eng.com |
Address |
3491 S. Gillenwater Dr. Flagstaff, Arizona 86005-9003 |