About Us
PA Fly Co is a fly fishing pro shop. We have only been open 1 year so far but the shop is always improving and adding new gear every week. We have a showroom full of all types of fly tying materials and threads, fly rods, fly reels, lines, tippet, waders, boots, packs, vests, nets and so much more.
What we do
Along with the fly shop we have a 30 seat classroom where we offer all types of classes from fly tying to fly rod casting. We can supply Regal Vises and tool kits for the angler that is trying out tying for the first time. We have great relationships with some of the best local guides to help get you out on the water and learn how to hook into that trophy fish.
Where we do it
We are located right in the heart of the best trout waters the Laurel Highlands has to offer. You can fish for trout at 4 Delayed Harvest projects and many locally stocked streams. You can also venture off the beaten path and test your skills with numerous wild trout streams throughout the mountains. South Western Pennsylvania has some of the best trout streams in Pennsylvania.
Doug Yocabet <doug@paflyco.net> | |
Phone | (724) 322-0037 |
Website | https://paflyco.net |
Address |
166 Three Mile Hill Mt Pleasant, Pennsylvania 15666 |