About Us
The Royal Coachman Lodge is one of the premier Alaska fly fishing lodges located in the heart of the world famous Bristol Bay sport fishing region of Southwest Alaska. The lodge sits on the banks of the Nuyakuk River, a quarter of a mile downstream from the outlet to Tikchik Lake, nestled in the 1.6 million acre Wood-Tikchik State Park. It is here where you can catch all five Salmon species, trophy Rainbow Trout, Char, Dolly Varden, massive Pike, Grayling, and even some Sheefish. WHOA! Our primary goal is to have great fly fishing in Alaska with uncrowded waters and to provide anglers with the Alaskan experience they desire. You can catch all five Salmon species, trophy Rainbow Trout, Char, Dolly Varden, massive Pike, Grayling, and even some Sheefish are available.
Pat Vermillion <info@royalcoachmanlodge.com> | |
Phone | 406-222-0624 |
Website | http://www.royalcoachmanlodge.com |
Address |
Dillingham, Alaska 99576 |