Where The River Runs

About Us

Where The River Runs is a New Mexico based outdoor adventure team. We offer online fly fishing education via video courses and are passionate about telling outdoor adventure stories with a focus on family, culture, and a positive outdoors legacy.

What we do

Where The River Runs offers engaging online fly fishing video courses and tells a wide range of outdoor adventure stories with an emphasis on fly fishing.

Where we do it

Where The River Runs online school of fly fishing course offering is a web-based experience and can be enjoyed anywhere you have an internet connection. Our outdoor adventure stories are typically based out of New Mexico but include other states as well. You can find our content on our website, You Tube, Instagram, and Facebook.


Email Gregg John Flores <greggjflores@gmail.com>
Phone (505) 203-6799
Website https://www.wheretheriverruns.com
Address 527 Cacahuate SW
Albuquerque, NM