TU Businesses

Companies working tirelessly to share their passion for fishing and conservation.

A vision for unlimited clean water

Every dollar donated by January 8th will be matched dollar-for-dollar and you’ll get a great gift! Give to the Member Challenge Match and help reach our goal of turning $500,000 into $1,000,000.


We love our Trout Unlimited Business members. These companies work tirelessly to share their passion for fishing and conservation with anglers across the country and around the world. Whether you’re looking for a guide on a blue-ribbon stream or friendly conversation while grabbing a few flies to match the evening hatch, you can support conservation efforts by supporting businesses who do the same.

These businesses put their money where their mouth is and give back to the resources that they love and depend on.

Become a Trout Unlimited Business member

Our TU Business partners spread our conservation to their angling communities — they are truly our representatives on the water. In return, we feature them in our quarterly magazine (link to TROUT page), list them here on our website (link to listing) and give them free Trout Unlimited gift memberships to share with customers, clients and partners who stand behind our mission to protect, reconnect and restore the trout and salmon resources we love so much.

If you have any questions about your TU Business Membership or are interested in becoming a TU Business Member, please contact Zack Dingus at zdingus@tu.org or 703-284-9438.

TUB Contact Form

Send an email to Zack.

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A vision for unlimited clean water

Every dollar donated by January 8th will be matched dollar-for-dollar and you’ll get a great gift! Give to the Member Challenge Match and help reach our goal of turning $500,000 into $1,000,000.