STREAM Girls and STREAM Keepers is Trout Unlimited’s watershed STEM program program for youth that builds confidence and breaks down barriers in science and the outdoors. Through the eyes of a scientist, artist and angler, studends make a personal connection to their home waters.
Follow the program on Instagram with #tustreamgirls
Every person is a citizen of her watershed, and Trout Unlimited’s STREAM programs show what that means to us. By visiting a local stream and having the opportunity to observe it as scientists, anglers, and artists, students will get the complete picture of what their stream could mean to them.
Over the course of multiple sessions, Trout Unlimited volunteers lead groups in observing a stream, collecting flow data, sampling macroinvertebrates (aka aquatic bugs), fly tying, and fly casting. Each day also gives the students time to intimately explore their natural surroundings and record their thoughts, feelings, and observations in their handbooks.

Eight core activities make a STREAM program. You may choose activities that fit the interest and timeframe for your event; however, doing all eight core activities is required for your program to be considered a STREAM Girls “patch” program with the Girl Scouts of America. That is, in order for the scouts to receive the patch, they must complete all of the following eight activities:
1. STREAM Walk
2. Fly casting
3. Go with the Flow!
4. Macroinvertebrate survey
5. Fly tying
6. STREAM scavenger hunt and bracelets
7. Some amount of reflection throughout
8. Some amount of discussion throughout

- STREAM Girls TU Volunteer & Activity Guide: Your one-stop doc for planning and executing a flexible and fun curriculum.
- STREAM Girls Field Notebook: Used by the scouts as they move through the program to record their observations, studies, and reflections.
- Equipment: Outlined before each activity in the Volunteer Guide. See list and more info below under “Resources.”
- Volunteers: You will need volunteers to fill varying roles from logistical planning to leading the girls in activities.
- Scouts: Contact your local Girl Scouts Council to begin developing this worthwhile partnership! Click here to find a council near you.
- TU Staff: Not finding what you need or have questions? Get assistance from TU Headwaters staff as you begin your program. They are always available for teleconferences or to point you in the right direction for resources.

RESOURCES: Printing files + Materials
- STREAM Girls Volunteer and Activity Guide
- STREAM Girls Field Notebook
- This should be printed by you/your TU chapter at a local print shop or Office Depot. They are a half-page size, printed front and back; first page color rest with black & white; plastic cover with black back; spiral bound big enough to hold a pencil.
- Materials List for STREAM Girls with some pricing
- Macroinvertebrate Key for sampling rivers
- Packing List – Clothes and Gear for STREAM Girls
- Certificate of Achievement
- STREAM Girls Patch Design
- Patch Ordering information
- TFO Discounted Rods and Reels contact Cecily Nordstrom
- Shipwreck Beads
- TU Bulk Youth Membership Form (fill out and return to Cecily Nordstrom)
STREAM Keepers Resources (gender neutral)
- STREAM Keepers Volunteer Guide
- STREAM Keepers Field Notebook pdf
- STREAM Keepers SPANISH Field Notebook
- River Key in Spanish
- STREAM Girls Promo Video on Vimeo all about the program!
- STREAM Girls Instructional with Promo video can be used as a quick training tool for volunteers or Girl Scouts leaders.
- STREAM Girls 101: Let’s do this! Feb 3, 2021.
- STREAM Girls Training Webinar the basics, 2018.
- One Page Quick Reference Guide
- Partnership Overview Sample – who does what? This can be edited to fit your partnership and used as a Memorandum of Understanding between Trout Unlimited and Girl Scouts USA.
- Liability Documents: Scroll down until you get to Liability Documents. There you will find youth liability waivers and photo model release forms. Above that there are youth-related documents including Trout Unlimited’s sexual abuse policy.