Trout Unlimited Expeditions

Trout Unlimited Expeditions

Trout Unlimited Expeditions

A watershed conservation and leadership opportunity

Started in June of 2024, TU’s Expedition programs take high school and college students on multi-day, place-based summer adventures on (or adjacent to) BLM lands. Students examine issues faced by native trout by seeking out the perspectives of stakeholders in the given watersheds. They learn about process-based restoration working alongside TU project managers in the field. Whenever possible, TU Expeditions participants will also complete hands-on restoration and assessment projects for targeted streams and rivers, host “stream kids” educational events that will connect local youth to their community waters, and, in collaboration with Rivers are Life, host river clean ups to engage broader communities in hands on work. Plus, of course, we’ll take them fishing and have a good bit of fun along the way. View a sample trip itinerary at the bottom of this page. TU’s STREAM Education Manager, Cecily Nordstrom will lead this program- please reach out to her directly with any questions.

Sample Itinerary: