Leadership, conservation, community, and fly fishing
The TU Teen Summit is an annual leadership conference for TU Teens that want to make a difference! The Summit recruits young leaders from rising freshman to rising seniors in high school that are committed to conservation and have demonstrated leadership in their communities.
If you’re a teen, join us for the Teen Summit to meet other TU Teens from across the country, learn how to become a TU leader in your community, build team and leadership skills, restore habitat on a service project, explore career paths in the outdoors and conservation, and – oh yeah! – FISH! Spend five days with a group of new friends that love fishing, the outdoors and TU as much as you do.
Things we do:
- conservation and eco-tours
- leadership and team-building skills workshops
- conservation and science sessions
- special guest speakers
- service project
- learn about local culture
- lots of time for hanging out, tying flies, and fishing!
Following the Summit experience, the attendees form TU’s Youth Leadership Council or YLC. The YLC stay involved with each other, their local community, and with TU staff throughout the year working on projects and outreach with the goal to raise TU’s profile among their peers and gain valuable experience.

TU Teen Summit Postponed for 2024
Check out TU Expeditions as a great summer alternative available to both high school and college students
2023 TU Teen Summit
Location: Camp Watanopa, Georgetown Lake, Montana
Dates: June 28-July 2, 2023
Dedicated anglers and conservationists who have just completed 8th, 9th, 10th, or 11th grade. History of involvement with TU a plus.
Check out who’s going this year!
$450. The fee includes all expenses on-site including food, lodging, activities, and transportation once you arrive. A shuttle to and from the airport is provided for those traveling by plane. Selected applicants will be asked to pay this fee by May.
Important: if you have been to any previous Summit, please contact Franklin for the Returning Summiteer Application.
Deadline is March 17th, 2023. Not all who apply are accepted. Select applicants will participate in a phone interview and selections will be made following the interview. Final decisions will be made by March 31st, 2023.
QUESTIONS? Contact Cecily Nordstrom, STREAM Education Manager