Want a river permit for next year? Get the deadlines on your calendar now
For those new to the rafting game out West or folks like me who are promising to actually apply for permits rather than ride the coattails of my friends this year, it's time to put some dates on the calendar. For those of you new to this game there are certain sections of certain rivers,…
TU senior producer honored by OWAA
Josh Duplechian on a photo shoot in southwest Colorado. Scott Willoughby photo. As a rule of thumb, the media team at TU doesn’t talk about itself--we’re in the business of making great content and putting the spotlight on other people who fix and protect rivers. But as editor-in-chief of TU, I am grateful every day…
Stop apologizing and start asking questions
I wouldn’t call myself an expert boater. I don't row the biggest lines or guide anglers on famous stretches of fabled trout water. What I can do is get my family and friends safely down most stretches without significant issues. Surprisingly, I’ve rowed for very few anglers in my seven years behind the oars. Our…
How to fish streamers from a boat
This past week I was lucky enough to play hooky for a day and float a glorious 10-mile stretch of my favorite river with a good friend. We went with the intention of fishing dry flies. Specifically Blue Winged Olives. While there was sporadic activity with those dainty little mayflies the real star of the…
PSA: Please pee in the river
In the event you do not have a loo with a view, please do the surrounding landscape a favor and pee in the river. Why you ask? Well, dilution is the solution to the pollution! Say that three times fast... If everyone peed at every campsite, put-in, lunch spot, and take out on the river…
A boat trailer’s curse
Some things aren’t meant to last a lifetime. It was a good run of nearly six years, but I think it’s time to part ways with an old friend. I’m not a superstitious person but this raft trailer is cursed. I’m sure of it, which is why I’ve chosen to cut it loose on the…
Video: tips for paddling a canoe on your own
I can say the next time I get in a canoe solo I'll be much better prepared from these simple paddling tips they expertly explain here in this video.
I will be the first to admit, canoes intimidate me. Especially paddling one solo. I'm a rower. I even row canoes if possible... The problem is canoes can go just about everywhere and are found on every type of water. They are a ubiquitous craft in the fishing and boating world. I can't tell you…
