Stand up for clean water protections
We all live downstream, and we all need to voice our support for the clean water laws that protect our communities, our wild trout and salmon, and the “Blue Lines” they call home.
At Trout Unlimited, we spend a lot of time thinking about “Blue Lines”—those small streams on the map that are the headwaters from which everything ultimately flows.
Blue lines are the coldest and cleanest waters this country has to offer. They are critical to the native and wild trout and salmon that TU works to care for and recover, to the river systems they feed, and to the downstream communities that depend on them for healthy drinking water.
Because we all live downstream. TU and our supporters and allies are working across the country to restore blue lines and raising our voices to defend the Clean Water Act and state clean streams laws that protect these waters.
Join us in fighting for clean waters, healthy fish, and thriving communities.

Speak up for clean water protections and healthy fisheries.
As anglers, we understand at an intrinsic level the connection between clean water, healthy habitat, and good fishing. By restoring streams and supporting protections for cold, clean, fishable water, we offer hope that abundant wild and native trout and salmon populations will thrive for future generations.
Why do the Clean Water Act and state clean streams laws matter to us?
Our Health: We all need clean water. From our trout and salmon streams to the farms that grow our food to the water the flows from our kitchen taps, state and federal clean water protections ensure a healthier future for all of us. Small streams represent 60 percent of all stream miles in the United States and supply drinking water to one third of Americans.
Our Fisheries: State and federal clean water laws are not just for large bodies of water and rushing rivers—but also for the small, meandering streams that feed them. Without these critical protections, we risk degrading some of our best rivers and streams, making them uninhabitable for wild and native trout and salmon.
Our Jobs: Clean water is a lynchpin of an outdoor recreation economy that creates 4.3 million jobs and generates $689 billion in consumer spending annually. What’s more, polling shows that 92 percent of hunters and anglers support clean water protections.
Healthy headwaters are key to the conservation work TU does in trout and salmon watersheds, and to the valuable fisheries that sustain communities across the nation.