The Native Trout Workgroup exists to facilitate grassroots implementation of Trout Unlimited’s National Conservation Agenda related to protecting our cold water native salmonid species. Scope of the work group activity is nationwide. The workgroup facilitates education, awareness, restoration and science projects related to native salmonid species. The workgroup provides information related to native species through a web page on TU’s website and serves as an advocate for Councils and Chapters on issues related to native species. This workgroup meets the 4th Wednesday of the month.
Join Our Virtual Meetings
We meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 8 pm ET. Email Eric Tichay for more informaion.
Committee Contactss
Chair: Eric Tichay – Virginia
TU Staff Contacts: Maggie Heumann, Beverly Smith
Native Trout Resources
This is the message map provided by the NLC Native Trout Workgroup.