Planning A Film Tour Event

Film Tour events and screenings have become an increasingly popular way to engage and inspire communities across the nation. These films cater to an audience that is deeply devoted, passionate and excited about the opportunity to gather with friends, celebrate their sport, and dream about casts still unmade.

There are many great options for hosting a film screening that are available, each with their own features. The International Fly Fishing Film Festival (IF4), Fly Fishing Film Tour (F3T), the Wild and Scenic Film Festival, as well as numerous Trout Unlimited Films are just a few of the options that can make for an engaging event. Beyond the numbers, the sense of community created through these film showings has added untold value to chapters and councils through improved recruiting efforts and elevated awareness of the good work being done by TU’s grassroots volunteers.

How to Get Started
Film screenings often attract a young and diverse audience of everyone from veteran guides to first time anglers, and hosting a showing can be a breath of fresh air for your TU chapter whether it’s well established, just getting started, or looking for a reboot and some new energy. These Film Tour events can be a great way to raise funds, recruit new members to your chapter, gain exposure for our sport or simply have fun. Through a generous partnership with Trout Unlimited, the F3T gang makes hosting a film tour showing easier and more cost effective than ever.

When you’re further along and looking into the details of what hosting a great film tour event looks like, watch this presentation on how to host a successful film tour from National Engagement Coordinator Sean Sieler, and download  TU’s Event-in-a-Box Film Tour Guide, for step-by-step instructions and everything you need to host your first film tour!