
American Places

  • American Places Responsible Recreation

    10 Ways to Enjoy Your National Wildlife Refuge

    Check out some of our favorite ways to explore wildlife refuges, and then get out there and experience them yourself.

    Did you know that there is at least one wildlife refuge in every state? If you aren’t familiar with our wildlife refuges, they provide both vital habitat for beloved fish and wildlife and they provide incredible opportunities to get outside with your family, friends, or even solo. Check out some of our favorite ways to…

  • Trout Talk American Places

    All Anglers Out

    The flood in the nation’s first national park is making huge waves, the ripple effect feeling like a tsunami for surrounding places, including towns flush with fly shops.

    Park’s Closed The first call I make is to Henry’s Fork Anglers in Island Park, Idaho. Todd Lanning answers. He’s cheery as always. I ask him if anything has changed at the shop this week. He’s blunt as usual. “A ton of people are calling worried they can’t get here, says Lanning, the shop’s assistant…

  • American Places Featured

    Muscle memory on the Green River

    It had been 10 years since I’d held a paddle.   My previous canoeing experience had consisted of gliding across the glassy lakes of the Sierra Nevada. And while Lake Tahoe and Lake Lahontan could become treacherous in a storm, they did not represent the intrinsic peril of the swift, boney river onto which I was about to embark.   There have been many times in my…

  • American Places American Places Featured Public Lands

    Places have stories, and stories have places

    You will know you've found a special place when you name it

    Clark Fork River

    Editor's note: TROUT Magazine Online will publish frequent essays on "American Places," lands and waters that make the nation unique. These essays will be crafted by Trout Unlimited staffers, contributing writers and volunteers. These places are near and dear to many and worthy of sharing in hopes of creating more advocates for the treasures so…