Art for guides
Helping guides through license-plate art.
The ongoing coronavirus outbreak and the subsequent lock-downs and stay-at-home orders are hitting the fishing industry particularly hard, and guides might be taking the biggest hits of all. Cancelled outfitting bookings translate into cancelled guide trips. With no work, there's no money, and it'll be tough for a lot of guides to make ends meet.…
F3T, TU present special film release to benefit conservation
Rent the Fly Fishing Film Tour and benefit Trout Unlimited
The Fly Fishing Film Tour is combining forces with Trout Unlimited to release a special edition of the 2019 F3T today (Thursday, April 23), available to rent for one week, leading up to the release of the film for purchase on May 1 via Vimeo. The special edition will be co-hosted by Hank Patterson, includes…
Vedavoo still cranking out American gear, despite outbreak
In the same boat What we do as fly anglers — what Trout Unlimited does as an organization — affects millions of others around the world. In a very real and very immediate sense, it affects our TU Business members. These members have supported us at every level of our organization from the local chapter…
Artists in conservation
TU is hosting its first-ever Artists in Conservation week
An illustrator starts with a line, a photographer begins with light and a filmmaker may begin with documenting critical words from an educated voice. Beginnings may be obscure, but the end goal is clear. Their art exists to put us in a place. It forms a connection. It tells a story. Art evokes emotion and emotion leads us to take action. Since the…
Celebrate #EarthDayAtHome with TU
Celebrating #EarthDayAtHome as we stay safe during the pandemic
Earth Day is turning 50 on April 22, and we should all be outside together picking up trash, planting trees, teaching kids about conservation and celebrating our shared commitment to a better future. But we can't. Millions of Americans are reeling from the challenges, pain and loss of COVID-19 and trapped in self-imposed isolation, state-mandated…
To fish or not to fish during the outbreak
Can we safely go fishing during the outbreak? A retired emergency room physician answers the questions we've all be asking about the wisdom of hitting the water during these troubling times.
Editor's note: The following first appeared in Angling Trade magazine. Admittedly, things are moving fast and my own opinions have evolved quite a bit in the past several days especially. But one thing that really sticks out and absolutely warms my heart is the sheer class and integrity of the many people in fly fishing with…
Shannon’s Fly and Tackle Shop
Get behind our TU Business members
In the same boat These are difficult times. This pandemic has all of us on edge. Millions of us are under lockdown. Millions more are isolating themselves and practicing social distancing, limiting their personal contact with others. It’s a global pandemic, and it’s serious business. In communities across the US and around the world, we’re…