Fishing isn’t just about catching fish
My son Casey and I recently went out for shad on a cold and blustery day.When we arrived at Fletcher’s Boathouse on the Potomac River in Washington, D.C., Alex, the manager, warned us not to row too far. “I just finished bringing someone back who got stuck in the wind, and I almost didn’t make…
Gear for the next generation
Six TU chapters and six 5 Rivers college clubs will get that boost thanks to the Next Gen TU Gear Grant, a new program made possible by a generous grant from the Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s Outdoor Fund.
TU chapters & 5 Rivers clubs eligible for grants for gear from Bass Pro and Cabela's to support their work Human power is the key to Trout Unlimited engagement efforts. But, sometimes, volunteers need a bit more help to take those efforts to the next level. Six TU chapters and six 5 Rivers college clubs…
Four refuges to add to your summer bucket list
As you make your to-fish-list for the summer, don’t overlook these hidden gems.
As the days get longer and the weather warms up, it’s natural to feel excited to go outside and float rivers, fish streams, and hike trails. No matter what part of the country you live in, there’s always a new place to explore. Although they are sometimes overlooked, we recommend visiting a National Wildlife Refuge…
What are you really fishing for?
WHAT ARE YOU REALLY FISHING FOR? By Kirk Deeter I’m still not sure some of my friends, colleagues and even family members begin to understand why I’m so enamored with fly fishing. “Oh, you went fishing today, did you have a good time?” they ask. “Yep,” I answer. “It rained most of the day. There…
Writer, trailblazer, innovator, humorist …
... and much more. TROUT mag columnist Paul Brunn wins coveted award from American Museum of Fly Fishing Nothing warms my heart more than seeing someone receive the recognition they richly deserve. So it will be in a few weeks when TROUT magazine’s “Classics” columnist, Paul Bruun, receives the 2022 Izaak Walton Award from the…
TU Business: Barbless Flies
Barbless Flies is one of a handful of international TU Business members. They’re great promoters of ethical fish handling and the work of Trout Unlimited.
I’m a big fan of barbless hooks, and I don’t think I’m alone in that. Experience has taught me that fish are easier to release when you use a barbless hook, and science has taught me that we kill fewer fish when we go barbless. But you have to wonder why we continue to buy…
MothBear Outfitters
One of the best parts of my job at Trout Unlimited is working with young, emerging companies. Typically start-ups owned and managed by young people, these companies are making the fly-fishing business exciting. Often, they see conservation as an integral part of the business from the outset. Making good is part of the business plan,…