Orvis and Hubbards work to get more women and girls on the water
There’s this thing that happens when you get a bunch of women together to fish. I can’t entirely explain it, but if you’ve been a part of it or even witnessed it — I suspect you know what I mean. For me, there’s this felt sense of support and this unspoken duty to pay that forward. It’s…
20 Questions: Christine Peterson
Prolific freelance writer juggles everything from motherhood to conservation on an ever-evolving journey I’ve known and admired Christine Peterson for years, largely through our mutual affiliation with the Outdoor Writers Association of America, the oldest professional organization dedicated to outdoors communicators in the country. Earlier this year, Christine was named the organization’s new president —…
SweetWater Brewing Co. stands with TU on Lower Snake dam removal
“SweetWater supports our friends over at TU in their mission of conservation and recovery of salmon and steelhead on the lower Snake River. Protecting healthy river ecosystems and a diversity of fish species ultimately means protecting the source of clean, quality water that turns into the downstream beer we enjoy. Because protecting our great outdoors is in our DNA – you just can’t make good beer without clean water.”
Beer and fishing. They go together like lines and leaders. As every beer drinker knows, not all beers are the same. And not all brewers are the same. SweetWater Brewing Company in Atlanta, Ga., has made fly fishing and fly anglers the focus of their business. They’ve been a great TU Business Member and a…
Think (outside the) Tank: meet the beavers
It’s been over a month since we released our Think Tank brook trout into the Cross River, and we are finding that they have new neighbors moving in: beavers! Evidence of the beavers can be seen all along the stream—from dams to lodges, chewed down trees to flooded plains. Beavers have long been known to be ecosystem engineers and drastically change the stream in many ways. Beaver structures at Ward…
What are fences good for?
In New Mexico, fences protect trout habitat and livestock It feels great to get out again on TU field projects. A few weeks ago, we journeyed to the Gila to take some stream measurements, and last week we went to the northwestern Jemez Mountains to replace some fence along the Rio de las Vacas. Our volunteer crew of women and men from regional TU chapters and our partner organization, New…
Learn from the best at School of Trout
There’s a great deal to be said for doing one thing and doing it with excellence. My friend Todd Tanner and the folks at School of Trout do that with fly fishing. Boy howdy, do they ever. They bring together the planet's finest and most iconic fly fishers to share their experiences, their knowledge, their…
Lower Snake River dam removal is a golden key, if not a silver bullet
Salmon return to the Columbia River in this 2104 photo of the fish viewing window at Bonneville Dam, the first of eight dams salmon and steelhead from the Snake River basin must pass on their way home to spawn. Removing the four dams on the lower Snake River would give these migratory fish a fighting…