
Community | Page 20

  • Community

    Guide Relief Program up and running in Montana

    Having worked for Trout Unlimited for 16 years and been an active part of the fly-fishing world for almost twice that long, I’m never surprised when good people in the industry step up when their friends and neighbors are in need. A little more than a year ago, as the pandemic truly set in and…

  • Cooking from the Water's Edge

    A ramen recipe you can get behind

    I have a complicated relationship with ramen. American ramen. The 10-cents-on-sale, crinkly package that comes in yellow, red or pink.  I’ve eaten it out of necessity when there wasn’t enough money to cover the rent and there were six of us living in a two-bedroom apartment next to a condemned (yet still surprisingly busy) fraternity house.  I’ve eaten it…

  • Think Tank

    Celebrating Women’s History Month via the Villepreaux-Power aquarium

    The Think Tank brook trout are doing great and growing big. Every day we can learn more about their behavior, how they interact, and react to change by simply peering into their tank. In fact, our trout aquaria are like a window into the secret underwater life of streams and trout, and we have Jeanne Villepreux-Power, a 19th century marine scientist, to thank for this opportunity. Jeanne is responsible for designing building,…

  • Community

    Seven ways to celebrate Earth Day at home

    As a TU member and supporter, you can still take action on Earth Day and make a difference for cold, clean rivers and streams

    Tomorrow (Thursday) is Earth Day, and it marks the second year in a row where millions of Americans are practicing safe, social distancing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to help our community weather what are hopefully the waning days of the outbreak. Traditionally a time when TU members and supporters are at their most…