Umpqua Feather Merchants stands with TU on Lower Snake
If you buy flies, you know about Umpqua Feather Merchants. If you tie flies, you know about Umpqua Feather Merchants. But if you think that Umpqua is only about flies, you might be in for a surprise. The story began almost 50 years ago. In 1972, most fly shops sold flies tied by local guides,…
Seven ways to celebrate Earth Day at home
As a TU member and supporter, you can still take action on Earth Day and make a difference for cold, clean rivers and streams
Tomorrow (Thursday) is Earth Day, and it marks the second year in a row where millions of Americans are practicing safe, social distancing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to help our community weather what are hopefully the waning days of the outbreak. Traditionally a time when TU members and supporters are at their most…
20 Questions: Heidi Lewis
Heidi Lewis. Jenny O'Brien photo. Editor’s note: Every so often, we’ll put movers and shakers in the fly-fishing world on the spot with our version of the Proust profile questionnaire. We’ve asked our subjects to be brutally honest and as forthright as they choose as they answer questions that might make them think, reminisce and look forward in their…
Wild Rivers Coffee Company stands with TU on the Lower Snake
For a young family like theirs, the notion of losing salmon and steelhead runs in this iconic American river is simply unacceptable. These fish are too special, this place is too special for us to sit by and watch as these fish simply disappear. “Wild Rivers Coffee is with Trout Unlimited all the way on this proposal,” Marshall says. “We believe these fish are a legacy for our children and future generations of Americans to enjoy and pass on. That’s what conservation is all about.”
Even after more than four decades in wildlife conservation, I don’t have a lot of friends that put “conservationist” in the signature block of their emails. But Marshall Seedorff does. I like that. He says it’s something he takes a great deal of pride in. And he should. Marshall and Sammie Seedorff are straight-up conservationists.…
National Volunteer Week kicks off Sunday
Celebrate change-makers in communities across the country all week Every year, 62 million Americans volunteer their time and talents to causes important to them, impacting communities across the country. Their efforts are palpable and necessary. National Volunteer Week gives us a great opportunity to pause and celebrate the impact of volunteers and the power change-makers…
Snake River named ‘most endangered’ by American Rivers
Photo by Eric Crawford. TU has worked for years to restore salmon and steelhead, and a dam-removal proposal is in the works American Rivers today named the Snake River America’s No. 1 Most Endangered River of 2021, pointing to perilously low returns of Snake River salmon and steelhead, and the urgent need for lawmakers and…
Master’s student searching lake sediment for clues to Idaho’s salmon past
Rachel Brinkley uses a fallen tree to reach a spot to collect a sediment sample from Hell Roaring Lake. Camden Kay photo. Rachel Brinkley uses core samples to measure historic returns of Redfish Lake sockeye salmon As a child, Rachel Brinkley’s family had a tradition of visiting a “secret” spot in Idaho to climb through…