
Community | Page 21

  • Cooking from the Water's Edge

    How not to bake a cake in the winter

    Author's note: Before we get to the important stuff (likely cake or booze or something roasted slowly over an open fire, because what else is more important?) let us quickly clarify that this column on food is not about how to do it the easy way. Ordering it ready-made is the easy way. Baking it in your five-star kitchen is also easy. This is about cooking your own way -…

  • TU Business

    Wildwood Anglers stands with TU on Lower Snake proposal

    As Brad Dunkle says, “We are now at a crossroads. And the consensus amongst the scientific community is we must act now to prevent a complete collapse of wild steelhead and salmon. Dam removal is the next logical move to enable these anadromous fish passage to and from their home waters.”

    It’s over 2,100 miles from the Ice Harbor Dam on the Snake River in eastern Washington to Sylvania, Ohio. I know that’s true because Google Maps told me. You can check it out on the internet, the source of all truth. So you might think that a guy who runs a fly shop and guide…

  • 20 Questions

    20 Questions: Mark Melnyk

    Editor’s note: Every so often, we’ll put movers and shakers in the fly-fishing world on the spot with our version of the Proust profile questionnaire. We’ve asked our subjects to be brutally honest and as forthright as they choose as they answer questions that might make them think, reminisce and look forward in their lives. And, honestly, some of these…

  • TU Business

    Jen Ripple is a force of and for nature

    “Fly fishing is one of the few sports where you don’t have to be great at it or in perfect shape to enjoy it. It doesn’t matter if you’re old or young, or if you make the perfect cast; it’s still a lot of fun. Fly fishing is a beautiful art form, and women take to that. I think it’s a great sport for women because women are much more about the experience than they are about the catch.”

    I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. One of the best things about working with TU is the outstanding people you meet. If you haven’t met Jen Ripple, the driving force behind both DUN Magazine and so much of what is great in the fly fishing industry right now, you should. Her easy…