Instagram Live with Brad Elfers from Alaska Fly Fishing Goods
Join me tomorrow - that’s Friday, September 25 – at 11 AM AKDT @troutunlimited when we talk with Brad @alaskaflyfishinggoods about fishing in AK. After all, how can five species of salmon plus rainbows, steelhead, cutthroats, Arctic char and grayling (and more) be anything but awesome?
Fly fishing in Alaska – it’s a dream for many of us. If you’d like to make that dream come true, Brad Elfers is the go-to guy. Brad has owned Alaska Fly Fishing Goods in Juneau since 1998, and he knows fly fishing in Alaska. Brad has worked as a river guide, fly fishing guide…
Trout Unlimited Costa 5 Rivers launches ‘Emerging’ podcast
Tired of the same river or road playlist? Interested in taking up fly fishing or learning more about it? Or maybe you would like some insight on how to build a career in the fly fishing or conservation arenas? Tune in to the new Trout Unlimited Costa 5 Rivers podcast, “Emerging” presented by Simms Fishing.…
Chad Brown from Soul River Runs Deep
Join me on September 28 – that’s Monday – at 1 PM PDT @troutunlimited when we talk with Chad @soulriverinc about his exciting new “Love Is King” initiative. Clear your calendar and tune in – this will be awesome
You probably know this guy. If you don’t, you should. This is my friend Chad Brown -- one of the most remarkable human beings I’ve ever met. Chad is the founder of Soul River Runs Deep, a great TU Business member in Portland, Ore. He’s a decorated US Navy veteran who received multiple honors after…
Interview with Richard Louv
Richard Louv joined Trout Unlimited to discuss public lands, the pandemic and his newest book, "Our Wild Calling." Louv, a former journalist, is best known for his 2005 book, "Last Child in the Woods," which sparked an international movement to re-connect children with nature. Since then, he has also published "The Nature Principle," in 2011…
We are TU: Jacob Fetterman
Meet the Trout Unlimited staffer behind the newest Home Rivers Initiative on the Battenkill River in Vermont and New York
We care about clean water, healthy fisheries and vibrant communities. We roll up our sleeves to volunteer, we sit on our boards, and we strategize as members and leaders of staff. We want you to join us. For a discounted first-time membership, click here: https://gifts.tu.org/we-are-tu The aim of this blog series is to highlight our friends, in…
How TU chapters and 5 Rivers clubs can work together
Online training for chapters and councils planned Oct. 7 When I started TU’s 5 Rivers college program in 2011, I wasn’t exactly sure of the best way to move forward with involving college students in TU. I’d heard of the Rutgers TU Chapter that kept emerging and then disappearing, unable to make it more than…
A boy becomes a man and it takes the outdoors to make it happen
Nature deprivation is a real thing, and I’m witnessing the impacts of both being exposed to the wild and willingly foregoing exposure in both of my kids. My daughter loves the outdoors. She’s working her third year in Grand Teton National Park, and not long ago, we exchanged photos and video via text of our…