Instagram live with Alice Owsley from Riverside Anglers
Join us when we talk fishing with Alice Owsley on Wednesday May 20, 2020 at 2 PM MDT on Instagram live @troutunlimited.
Riverside Anglers was born on the banks of the Madison River in Montana. Owner Alice Owsley is one of the hardest-working professional fishing guides anywhere. In over three decades of fishing experience, she’s learned what it takes to make a great day on the water. Alice knows how to make great fly-fishing memories in the…
Thoughts on the delay of California’s Trout Opener
A TU member considers the delay of California's Trout Opener along the Eastern Sierra and how anglers can help make sure angling regulations reflect scientific data.
Editor's Note: This post reflects the opinion of a TU member. As an organization, TU supported the recent limited and temporary actions by the California Fish & Game Commission and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife in response to formal requests by four counties for a delay in the 2020 Trout Season opener. CDFW…
‘Land of Little Rivers’ premieres online today
The 'Land of Little Rivers' debuts at
A new film about the rivers of the Catskill Mountains and the birthplace of American fly fishing debuts online this evening and features some of the best-known fly fishers in world. The "Land of Little Rivers" is the name of both the film and a network of tributaries in the Catskills that's a Mecca for…
RIGS for fishing in western Colorado
RIGS - They’re here for the long haul, and they have a stake in the future of their home waters.
In the same boat These are difficult times. COVID-19 has all of us on edge. Some places are under lockdown, some are not. We’re trying to be responsible, but we want to be able to fish while practicing social distancing and limiting up-close personal contact with others. The financial impacts are real for our TU…
Share your #ResponsibleRecreation posts and win a fly rod
Everything is a little different these days, thanks to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, and how and where we fish should be different, too. That said, fishing can be perfectly safe if we take the right precautions, and we're encouraging all TU members and supporters to get outside and go fishing, but to do so using…
Ole Miss Fly Fishing Club members find fellowship on the river
To kick off our second semester as an organization, our 5 Rivers Trout Unlimited college club made its first official venture to Cotter, Arkansas, on a cold and clear weekend back in January. Nine of the club’s 23 inaugural members made the trip, sharing a cabin over the Martin Luther King holiday weekend.
By Jacob Commer One can only explain a passion for fly fishing to a chuckling audience so many times before a chip starts to form on your shoulder. It doesn’t help that our boats are rental canoes or secondhand rafts, rather than Bass Trackers. Such is the burden of a fly angler in north-central Mississippi.…
Member Spotlight: Dave Lisi, Cooper Landing Fishing Guide
Introducing you to our friends in the Last Frontier
We're lucky in Alaska. Not only do we have productive fisheries with incredible scenery and ample summer light, we've got a wonderful and memorable cast of characters eager to help defend the wild and fishy places we all enjoy. This is the first post in a series from the Alaska team to highlight some of…