A small company with a big punch
Garrison and Corinne Doctor own a small company that punches way above its weight. If you don’t know this awesome young couple, you should. The company is called RepYourWater. And from the very first, they knew it had to be about more than providing creative and unique designs on high-quality apparel and merchandise for people…
Newsletter highlights successes in New England
From reconnection projects to in-stream habitat restoration, Trout Unlimited’s staff had a great year in New England in 2019, and are teed up for another big one in 2020. The efforts helped improve access to dozens of miles of previously out-of-reach streams for the region’s trout and other stream-dwellers, while also improving habitat in rivers…
Win for Washington waters: What it took
Steelheaders, anglers and river-lovers of all types in Washington state have new water quality improvements and greater protections for critical wild fish populations to celebrate this month. Washington is currently the only state in the Pacific Northwest that allows suction dredge mining* in fish habitat listed as critical in the Endangered Species Act, meaning it allows an activity known to…
TroutRoutes takes you to great fishing
Anyone who has tried to explore new fishing spots knows that it can be difficult and time-consuming to find and access high-quality trout streams. A free mobile app called TroutRoutes may be the way to change that. Zach Pope, founder of TroutRoutes, has made it his life’s mission to map out every trout stream in…
Take a child fishing and make a difference
By Mike Enos The bobber began to twitch and then it submerged twice just before taking off in an arc across the glassy surface of the lake. Just as her line, seemingly possessed by a supernatural force, started to move, the quiet was pierced by my 8-year old granddaughter’s high-pitched squeal of excitement. Avery, whose attention had…
Draining pond in Maine has good unintended results
By Jeff Reardon Since 2014, TU’s Merrymeeting Bay Chapter has been focused on brook trout in coastal streams, at least some of which migrate downstream to saltwater for part of their life. They’ve been working with me to document brook trout populations in previously un-surveyed streams by angling and electrofishing surveys; monitor water temperatures with long-term data loggers; and,…
Join us for the #CleantheGreen2020 campaign
Whether or not they publicly admit it, every angler has a home river or stream — the place they think of first when even the slightest of openings appear on the calendar. The Green River below Flaming Gorge Dam in northeastern Utah is 200 miles from my front door but it is my home river.…