Seth Green chapter seeking to restore a paradise lost
By Cal Curtice "This is probably the last generation of trout fishers." — Forest and Stream Magazine 1879 In 1620, virgin forest covered the United States from the tip of northern Maine, south to central Florida, and west beyond the Mississippi River. Native brook trout swam throughout their cool, clean waters, including those in the Finger…
Saving Bristol Bay one bag of coffee at a time
It might be fair to say that Alaskans love coffee as much as we love our wild salmon. Coffee helps us get through the long, dark winters, and it powers our fast-paced and adventure-filled summer days. For the Trout Unlimited staff based in Anchorage, coffee is an everyday requirement, and we know that without it, our efforts to protect…
Spring Creek Trout Camp is a Pennsylvania legend
Pennsylvanians know trout fishing. And no wonder. With legendary fly anglers like Joe Humphreys, George Harvey and Charlie Meck to tell the tales, the reputation of trout streams in the Keystone State has been the stuff of dreams. At the heart of those tales is Spring Creek, near State College. Spring Creek is Pennsylvania’s premier…
Delaware River Fly Tri will be a test of fitness and fishing
Trout Unlimited is putting a bit of a twist on the triathlon concept for an event that will debut this spring in Northeast Pennsylvania. The inaugural Delaware River Fly Tri will feature a run, bike and paddling legs with a dose of fishing thrown in. The event will be held May 16 in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area near…
May they catch fish
Forward from the editor: Alaskans — you're invited to learn more about Nelli and other inspiring female anglers by watching the film, "No Excuses," in Anchorage on Feb. 12, or at the next Orvis 50/50 On the Water screening near you! Details here. By Nelli Williams Nine years ago, when I was quickly approaching motherhood…
Reilly Rod Crafters: great people, great rods
I remember the day I knew I wanted to learn to fly fish. I don’t think I was 10 years old yet. My dad and I had just returned from a horseback day trip to the backcountry and were in the process of unsaddling our horses. That’s when I saw Carl Evers casting a dry…
The Wisconsin way
Something breeds great conservationists in Wisconsin. John Muir, famous for the Sierra’s, was born in Scotland and moved to Wisconsin as a young boy. He took his first course in botany at the University of Wisconsin. Aldo Leopold, author of the seminal, "A Sand County Almanac," lived in Wisconsin and raised five prominent conservationists in…