National Teen Summit returns to birthplace of TU
Here at Trout Unlimited we are proud to say our organization was formed on the banks of the Au Sable River in Michigan. Locals boast (and rightly so) that the Au Sable is the best brown trout fishery east of the Mississippi. Michigan’s TU chapters are named after conservation heroes like George Griffith, Art Neumann,…
Eating well and doing good in Phoenix and beyond
You know about the proposed Pebble Mine. Nothing could be more damaging to the productive Bristol Bay ecosystem than this mine. Not only will it destroy over 3,000 acres of wetlands and more than 21 miles of salmon streams at the mine site. Worse yet, it will include a massive tailings storage facility, treatment ponds,…
TU helping to deploy Mayfly Sensor Stations
By Jake Lemon Scientists and anglers throughout the country rely on USGS gaging stations for real-time streamflow and water quality data. Often these stations are located near the mouth of larger rivers forcing data users to extrapolate to understand what is happing in smaller coldwater trout streams. Now, rapidly emerging technologies in open-source electronics are allowing volunteer groups to collect valuable real-time…
Volunteers in Wisconsin collaborate on stream monitoring effort
By Jake Lemon The Central Sands region of Wisconsin encompasses 1.75 million acres and parts of eight counties in Central Wisconsin, boasting 800 miles of trout streams. With the headwaters of these streams facing a variety of stressors, Trout Unlimited chapters in the region are joining forces in a new initiative to strengthen TU’s efforts…
The passing of two giants
The calls came 24 hours after each other. I was driving down I-95 on New Years Day. Brian Cowden, a former Trout Unlimited employee, called to say that Rick Ege, a former chapter president and council chair had passed away. I last spoke with Rick a few years ago. Another New Jersey guy had mentioned…
Conservation through a commercial fisherman’s eyes
One of the things I’ve learned about conservation is that it’s important to see the world through another person’s eyes. Naturally, it’s easier if the two of you see the world in similar ways. In the past, sport anglers and commercial fishermen in Alaska haven’t always been on the same page. But our friends at…
On Break
I find little shame to admit That even with all the bustle of the year I can't but help to glance longingly backwards To the time where we were all --Just a little-- On break. Back when lights twinkled in windows And meals felt sumptuous And everything was just a little less January. On break.…