
Community | Page 7

  • Youth Headwaters

    Our digital conservation future

    Having finished the online NYT crossword over morning coffee, retweeting some delicious burns on climate deniers, checking Facebook and Instagram, liking a picture of a steelhead, and prioritizing work emails before a day of zoom calls, he/she remarked, “Kids these days are hopelessly addicted to their devices,” as though the Peleton screen was an actual…

  • Special Places Community

    Kids, work, and wild salmon

    Raising a family amid a campaign to protect Alaska’s wild fish Author’s note: My story is one of many who have invested in this fight over decades and generations. This is written with gratitude to the entire community of advocates that continue to push back this irresponsible mine. I acknowledge my privilege in choosing to…

  • Veterans Community Fishing

    Forging ahead: a Veterans Day story

    Fly-fishing the foundation for a special bond between volunteer and veteran SALEM, Va. — The guide, like any experienced guide, was helpful but firm. “Try to cast to that seam,” she said. “And mend a little sooner.” Seyward McKinney reacted with a barely audible, “OK.” She was too busy concentrating to waste effort talking. “That…

  • Community Veterans

    In gratitude to our veterans

    An offer from Trout Unlimited for those who served

    An offer from Trout Unlimited for those who served At TU we thank our veterans on this Veterans Day, but also every day throughout the year, for the sacrifices they have made for all of us. Did you know that 200 TU chapters have an active TU Service Partnership program in place and that these…