June is not a large horse. Really, she may be only a few inches over a large pony. In honesty I don’t claim to understand horse dimensions, but it’s fair to say that a very tall man could probably touch the ground with tip toes. A body traveling from her back to the ground would…
Pescador on the Fly’s El Boso sling pack
Our friends at Pescador on the Fly make fly fishing gear that’s light and packable and functional. It’s just the thing for the traveling angler. And now, they’ve launched a fully loaded sling pack. They call it “El Bolso” – the bag. It’s got tons of extra D rings, multiple places designed to clip your…
Sara and Henry
A good father-daughter story always gets me. As any dad who has a daughter will tell you, there's no relationship quite like it. My own daughter is her own version of the best of me—and I don't pretend that I'm responsible for the amazing young adult she's become. But I do like to think that…
Lessons from Trout in the Classroom
The volunteers, partners and staff of Trout Unlimited believe in a future where native fish swim in cold, clean headwaters. This vision benefits fish, of course, but it also provides a vital resource for every living thing that depends on water. Which, last time I checked, is every living thing. While the benefits of what…
Juntos: Connecting With Your Hispanic and Latino Community Members
"I'm not sure where to begin but I know this is important." With the Trout Unlimited regional rendezvous season wrapping up with the Northeast Regional next week, I find it helpful to pause and reflect on common questions and conundrums that surface during sessions and side conversations to better support chapter and council leaders across…
Alaska’s Koktuli River on display
Simply put, the rivers you will see in Koktuli Wild are ground zero for impacts from the Pebble mine if it were to go through.
All photos courtesy of Brendan Wells and Eric Parker In the face of the proposed Pebble Mine, Trout Unlimited and other groups representing sportsmen, commercial fishing, and Alaska Native Tribes have been sharing stories for more than a decade of the pristine wilderness, intact ecosystems of the Bristol Bay region and their critical importance to…
Youth key to steelhead restoration in Pennington Creek
Native south-central California coastal steelhead. Photo: Capelli/NOAA Fisheries. Steelhead, the sea-run version of rainbow trout, have one of the most diverse life histories of any fish species. On the West Coast, this life history diversity has enabled steelhead to colonize and persist in coastal drainages in a region—the south-central coast of California—with highly variable precipitation,…